Money Mindset - Creating Financial Abundance

Written by: Anna Niemira

“The ascent of money has been essential to the ascent of man.” - Niall Ferguson 


The use of money has ancient origins, superseding barter economies. From the minting of the first silver coins of Iron Age Lydian Kingdom to the printing of paper money in China, up to the implementation of modern electronic payments money has swiftly facilitated the exchange of goods in purchase and sale transactions between parties.  


However, there is more to money than just its economic aspect. We approach money in a very personal way.  It represents a value, a symbol of prosperity, as well as status, often correlated with power but also perceived as a ticket to personal freedom.


Money can be a source of prestige, a confirmation of our achievements and success, a desire, but also a source of anxiety.  


Rich man, poor man 


"Wealth flows from energy and ideas." - William Feather 


Some people progress financially more than others even when there is a relatively equal starting point. It might be their focus, attitude and mindset responsible for their success. Money is an effect, a manifestation of energy we emanate, the effort we make and the risks we take. 


The sentiment that we have toward financial well-being and abundance connects with our emotions towards money formed in early childhood, from observing members of our family, our surroundings, and absorbing cultural influences.


We thrive and progress with an open-minded, ambitious, and courageous upbringing, levelling up and fulfilling our aspirations and dreams, or when we address our fears, unlearn subconscious self-sabotaging behaviours, and then master and implement new strategies in our mind.  


Obstacles to abundance


“We cannot create a new future by holding on to the emotions of the past.” - Joe Dispenza 


Money makes the world go round. We need money to live, pay for our basic needs, flourish as individuals and prosper as a society. We develop a relationship with money that improves when we emanate confidence and develop good connections with people around us.


To improve our financial situation, we need to analyze, acknowledge and address our past experiences that hinder our advancement.  


Family patterns 


As children, we depended on our providers. We wanted to be loved and accepted. To be recognized and approved, we mimicked people around us. If parents struggled with money, or if there were issues of not having enough in the household, we might have absorbed that energy into our mindset.


If we witnessed our parents arguing about finances, or families splitting over financial issues, we might associate money with personal suffering and drama.  


Societal stereotypes 


Mass media and literature present stories about affluent people, their amassed fortunes multiplied through generations, or the riches of fast-track billionaires. They might inspire us, or sometimes cause us to feel jealousy.


Many studies over the last few decades have investigated stereotypes of various social groups.  Among the most common beliefs there is the perception of rich as bad and poor as good. We also tend to question “rich kids” personalities seeing them as lacking creativity and initiative, perhaps perceiving wealthy people as greedy, money-obsessed, and conceited, facing misery and loneliness.


However, building a successful enterprise requires creativity, dedication, difficult decisions, and strategizing. Maintaining a fortune, either new or inherited, has its own set of challenges, such as facing economic cycles, implementation of innovative technologies, or changes in trends.  Many wealthy entrepreneurs are well-networked, socialize a lot, and build a community around themselves that contributes to the advancement of their business pursuits.  Often, they are among the top charity donors.


Fears and worries 


Feeling a scarcity of resources, or thinking wealth is a struggle and money is difficult to come by, can cause negativity and angst. We might associate abundance with high risk and danger, channeling our energy to preserve what we have instead of advancing, afraid that we will not be able to replenish what we depleted. 


We worry about making mistakes with our hard-earned money, such as buying the wrong property or holding an unsound investment.


Depending on our upbringing, or the environment we are in, we might feel unworthy and insignificant, being undeserving of wealth. We prefer not to further our goals and ambitions to avoid possible embarrassment, humiliation, or hurtful comments.  


Clearing abundance blocks 


"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle 


In some sense, money is an unstoppable energy in our society. It is like a flowing river that comes and goes.  Our emotions, such as fear of poverty, shame or jealousy that others have more, or blaming our spending habits create mental blockages. An optimistic approach toward money, seeing it as an opportunity, not as an obstacle, instead produces an abundanance mindset.  


Recognize endless resources 


We sometimes might think that our gain has to correlate with a loss for others, triggering a feeling of guilt. A scarcity mindset makes us believe that there is not enough for everybody.  


Recognize money as limitless potential. This approach helps to abandon competing and fighting for money, allowing us to find inner peace and trust in its supply.  


Find the positive  


For most of us, work is a necessity. There might be something we do not like at our job - a schedule, boss, culture, or company approach to business. Even if it’s not easy and requires taking risks, think of starting your own business, or looking for new employment. If neither option is available, find something positive in your current workplace to reduce stress and eliminate negativity.  Perhaps there is an easy and short commute, allowing for more personal time, or an opportunity to further our education and training with the employer paying for the cost of courses. There may be potential clients and projects that advance your skills and your experience.  


It is easy to complain and get into a spiral of negative, draining emotions.  The key is to find the advantages and positives in every situation to build a feeling of gratitude and appreciation. Remind yourself that much of your happiness does not depend on external circumstances but on an inner state of being.  


Fix your relationships 


We might be going through some issues in personal relationships, having troubles in love, lack of healthy boundaries, and unresolved problems from our past, impairing our productive vibrations and halting our progress.  


Take time to analyze different sectors of your life and pinpoint areas of concern. Create a plan to apply solutions to close outstanding matters, if possible. Understand yourself, your needs, goals and dreams. Build your courage to speak out loud about your audacious goals and high hopes for your future. Appreciate people who support you in your journey and boost your confidence.  Expand your horizons with the new network and communities with a similar vision and the high energy of collaboration and mutual support.  


Increase your vibration


Feeling down, stressed, and upset consumes our energy and lowers our vibration.  On the other hand, positive mood corresponds with high vibration. We attract what we represent. Money is velocity operating on high frequencies. When we raise our vibration with our upbeat and optimistic emotions then we open ourselves up to attracting money.


Positive chemicals and hormones in our body such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, improve our general mood and infuse optimism and eagerness. These natural wonders are easily available to us, and we can have them served daily to improve our well-being and increase our stamina. 


Our body naturally releases endorphins during activities such as exercise, walks, massages, dancing, singing, listening to music, and many other artistic or athletic pursuits. Just loosen up, move your body, and have a blast feeling the sense of euphoria.


Sometimes, all it takes to improve our mood and raise our energy is to have a great meal with friends. On another occasion, we might de-clutter our home and incorporate Feng Shui arranging furniture in a way that promotes spatial balance, opening the space and shifting the energy.


Measured breathing can balance and regenerate vitality, bringing our consciousness to a higher level, with yoga and meditation supporting our physical and mental health.  


Be generous 


It is always nice to receive gifts.  It is equally rewarding to give. Donations to charities or to those in need can be done in a variety of ways. Volunteering, giving away items you no longer need, providing educational workshops, or environmental protection also have equal value.  The focus is on helping others and sharing what we have in excess at the moment. It is about an empowering mindset of giving, a feeling of abundance and plenty.  


It is satisfying to be present for other people and offer them kindness, love, compassion, empathy, and trust.  It is a boost of oxytocin followed by the rejuvenation of our immune system and stress reduction, creating a win-win situation for the giver and the receiver. It gives us a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging to the community.  We receive appreciation, gratitude and a feeling of personal high value. We move to a higher level expanding our consciousness and abundance mindset, and improve the society in which we live. 


The big picture 


“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt 


Abundance is more than money. It is a quality of life.  Our wealth is a by-product of what we love to do, what we are passionate about, what we create and what we focus on. It is a result of our choices and decisions.  


Our intents, actions and deeds influence outcomes and consequences. Positive, happy and well-wishing thoughts and endeavours raise our vibrations and bring rewards. Feelings of bitterness, anger, jealousy, fear, or resentment push our energy down and produce negative results.   


Money will follow us if we follow our hearts, allow our ambitions to flourish, chase our dreams, and create inner balance by self-acceptance, being at peace and in agreement with ourselves. We are in charge of creating our destiny through our approach, efforts and behaviour.  


"Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become." - Heraclitus