Balancing Feminine And Masculine Energy Within

Written by: Anna Niemira

"Masculine and feminine aspects exist in all beings." - David Daida.

Energy means life. It is a base for our robustness, vigor, and stamina. We derive our energy from our mind, body, and spirit, but also from our emotions.

Each of us has feminine and masculine energy within us, helping us to balance our inner spark for our outer ardor. This duality within us of opposite forces, and contrasting intensity and impact can become the vital source of our personal energy if inter-connected, balanced, and well perceived. Such inner equilibrium will make our body healthy, mind sharp, psyche uplifted, and emotions stable.

Yin and Yang Influence

The black and white Yin Yang circle has become a well-known symbol for representing divine feminine and masculine energies.

The white colour represents Yang, a male principle in nature.  It reflects the Sun, representing a positive and active nature, connected with the South direction and the North of the river flow.

The black shade indicates a feminine, passive principle in nature called Yin. Its energy correlates with the Moon, the North direction, and the South of the river stream.

Yang is the sunrise, and Yin is the sunset. Yang is the day, and Yin is the night.

They are on opposite sides of a spectrum, yet they cannot exist without each other. There is a constant process of transformation into each other as each contains a seed of the other.  Yang carries seventy-five percent of masculine energy and twenty-five percent of feminine energy, represented by the black dot within the white form.  Yin represents the opposite.

That means that nothing is only Yin or Yang.  Masculine energy includes a feminine component just as much as feminine energy has masculine energy within.

Feminine Energy

Feminine energy centers in the body and connects with our emotions. It focuses on the present moment and connects with the heart. It represents the second sacral chakra responsible for our creativity, sensitivity, intimacy, and self-expression.  It also represents the fourth heart chakra, a center for joy, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and most importantly, love for one-self and others. Also, it influences the sixth, third eye chakra connected to visualization, imagination, and wisdom.

It has water and earth elements.

Feminine energy is circular and receptive. It creates the space and then enjoys receiving what the masculine energy is trying to provide. It doesn't struggle with accepting gifts and compliments. Feminine energy is soft and relaxing. It magnetizes and attracts what it wants instead of fighting to get it.

Feminine energy is not about thinking but about feeling. It thrives on creative expression, nurturing new ideas.  Not logic or reason, but perception and intuition are the sensors. It welcomes emotions and gut feelings in the assessment of any situation. It is fascinating with its unpredictability.

Masculine Energy

Masculine energy is future-oriented, cognitive, and mind-focused energy. It is about linear thinking, plotting, strategizing, planning, and achieving plans.  It represents a direct approach, clarity, control, and strong willpower. It correlates with providing, giving, and fighting for what one wants and desires. It is about primal hunting qualities and sensing threats to protect one-self, loved ones, and belongings. Having a life purpose and taking destiny into one's hands is connected with masculine strength.

Masculine energy represents the first root chakra situated at the base of our spine and connected with the basic instinct of survival, setting up a foundation for building one's life. It is about our safety and security. Connection to the prominent solar plexus, the third chakra of success, represents being on the go, having en entrepreneurial spirit, doing things, keeping promises, and sticking to plans. Masculine energy also connects with the fifth chakra of communication.  It provides support to living authentically and communicating thoughts, ideas, and intentions with precision.

It has fire and air elements.

Masculine energy is less about feelings and more about logical, constructive, and analytical reasoning. It is about being mindful, awake, and alert. Achievement, success, providing, and taking care of things are the main targets of masculine energy.

Healing the Feminine Within

If you think that you are not good enough and keep pressuring yourself to fight for what you want, constantly prove your capability to do everything, and control every step you and others take, you unconsciously shift into masculine energy. This is especially true for business owners, entrepreneurs, and any competitive professions. 

Set your vision, strategize planning, and delegate with your masculine energy. Then to activate your feminine energy, release your control. Share your strength and empower your team, assigning mandates to do things once you distribute tasks. The more commanding authority you let go of, the more success you can create in your personal and professional life and relationships.

Take time to choose the right people around you to have a sense of security.  Then, trust yourself with your choices. Being constantly guarded and in need of providing safety for yourself converts your feminine energy into a masculine protectiveness. Yet, stay tuned to your intuition speaking up if you feel something is off.

Move your awareness from your head to your body, focusing on your feet to ground yourself, activating a connection with the earth. Then, center your focus on your waist area to awaken your lively juices of creativity and self-expression.  Feel with your heart and through your senses.

Connect with other women to absorb feminine energy, either during leisurely girl time or through group and social activities such as dancing, singing, acting classes, or other creative arts and crafts projects, such as painting, sculpting, or writing.

Take time to enjoy the food you eat, the clothes you wear. Notice the nature around you, relishing the scent of flowers, air after the rain, or the aroma of your coffee. 

Practice joyful and graceful receiving as that transforms energy into a passive mode activating feminine qualities. It allows you to be in the present moment, feeling and enjoying it within.

Most importantly, smile, relax and stay present in a moment. Trust the process. Occasionally, even daydream.

Healing the Masculine Within

The left-brain activities such as calculating, rationalizing, or analyzing belong to masculine energy. If we lack discipline, planning, logical thinking, and fact checking, it means our masculine energy is not strong enough. As we need these vibrations active to pursue our career, development, and even our passions, we need to embrace the masculine within us.

Keep your brain stimulated with riddles, puzzles, crosswords, and games challenging your brain.  Plan and strategize from your career moves to managing simple home tasks.  Read, analyze, and think a lot to improve your cognitive skills and your memory.

Pursue hobbies requiring your focus. Try golf, horseback riding, or sailing.  Participate in group activities generating discussions, comparing ideas, strategizing, and memorizing.

Take care of your finances.  Keep your mind open for new investment opportunities and businesses. Take full responsibility for your mistakes and set boundaries for yourself and others around you. Respect yourself and others. Have a mature approach to your personal and professional life.

Define your needs and build your courage with your assertiveness. Stop being passive when you are called to action.  Build your self-confidence by starting to be active.

Hit the gym for weight-lifting and exercises such as crunches, bridges, and planks, to name a few, helping to build a strong core and activate the third chakra of success, goals, and ambitions.

Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energies

Women can embody both masculine and feminine energy.  Likewise, men can harness both with energies to their advantage. Most successful people learned how to direct their energies using both feminine and masculine qualities. We need both modalities to be healthy and balanced for us to succeed.  And we need to apply feminine and masculine energy to our advantage depending on the circumstances.

Masculine vibration is about creating and providing energy, whereas the feminine enjoys feeling and receiving. Slow down and rest more if you need to activate the feminine within you.  And pick up on energizing activities to feel more driven and awaken your masculine energy.

Drink plenty of water and fruit juices to keep yourself well moisturized from within for a feminine touch.  Turn towards more protein-packed and spicy food to bring your masculine fire to the surface.

Whether we operate from our feminine or masculine energy in any given moment, remaining calm, composed, and respectful adds a human touch to our demeanor.

"The union of feminine and masculine energies within the individual is the basis of all creation." - Shakti Gawain